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The key benefits of hiring a copywriter

26 . 11 . 2021 Business, Copywriting By Kylie de Boer

Have you ever contemplated the idea of hiring a copywriter, but perhaps questioned if it was worth it? I often see businesses try to do it all themselves, and of course I understand this being a business owner myself. But the old adage goes, outsource what you don’t do well and spend time doing what you do.

There are many benefits of hiring a copywriter, that you may not have even realised. Working with a professional copywriter can help you to:-

Create a strong brand image and voice

A strong brand image and voice plays a key role in a successful business. Think about highly successful businesses, brands and entrepreneurs. What do they all have in common? Their messaging and marketing is more often than not, consistent, strong and targeted.

A copywriter is able to create the right tone of voice and messaging for your business. They then have the ability to ensure that all content and copy is written within the brand and tone of voice framework. Along with the expertise to know what copy is needed, how to create copy that has a point of difference, and content that works synergistically with your overarching business values and philosophy. A strong, consistent brand can really make or break your businesses success. Brand image doesn’t just include the visuals it, includes the copy as well.

Generate results

A professional copywriter is able to produce copy that speaks to your audience, attracts clients and generates sales. Whilst copywriting may seem like a cost outlay at first, that cost will in time pay for itself as you increase your customer base, sales and conversion rates.

Copywriters have the ability to write copy that leads and nurtures potential customers along the buying path in the right way.

Increase your google ranking

SEO copywriting can improve your google ranking and increase the traffic to your website. An SEO copywriter will be able to look at your websites current visibility. They will also work with you to improve its ranking and SEO framework.

The higher your position in the google search engine, the more visible your website is and therefore the more people who will see it. An SEO copywriter will know how to research and target keywords and implement other SEO elements to build the SEO of your online presence.

Save time and money

Hiring a copywriter will allow you and your staff to focus on other areas of your business.

While you may spend hours tearing your hair out trying to write the right copy, or creating a strategy of how to speak to customers or sell your products, a copywriter will be able to do all this and more.

A copywriter will have the skills and expertise to know the right way to tackle your project or projects, what works and what doesn’t. Ultimately saving you and your team precious time and money trying to do it yourselves.

Provide an invaluable perspective

Think of a professional copywriter as another client or customer. They have the power to provide an invaluable perspective and overview of your business. A copywriter is able to think about the end goal, the end user and how best to attract and retain attention.

When you are running a business, it can be difficult to look at all aspects objectively. To see what is and what isn’t necessary. Just like a business mentor or coach, a copywriter will be able to see the bigger picture. They can provide guidance on where to start and what is most important etc.

Portray a professional image

To some, spelling or grammatical mistakes might not be a big deal. However, if you want to present a business that looks like they know what they are doing, is professional and trustworthy then ensuring your content and copy is well written and free from grammatical errors is important. Hiring a copywriter will ensure all your content and copy is professional and grammatically correct.

Hiring a copywriter can help to grow your business

There are numerous benefits to engaging the services of a copywriter for your business. Whether you are looking to increase sales, foster connections or provide informative content amongst other things, hiring a copywriter can prove to be a very worthwhile investment.

If you have any questions, I’m always happy to chat, head on over to my contact page and get in touch.


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