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Perfecting your blog structure

30 . 11 . 2021 Copywriting By Kylie de Boer

Before we look at blog structure, it is important to get clear on why you are blogging. Having a clear, defined approach always helps to set you up for success.

Some of the reasons people blog

  1. To provide information
  2. To connect with existing and potential customers
  3. In order to target specific keywords, improve google ranking and drive traffic to their site
  4. Increase conversion and sales

Tips for perfecting your blog structure

Once you have determined why you are blogging and what you hope to achieve. It is then about moving onto what makes a good blog structure. My top four tips in terms of blog structure would be:-

1. Consistency is key

Write your blog posts to fit with the tone of voice of your brand. Blogging is in essence another form of marketing and also another moving part of your online presence and website. To create a strong brand, all marketing, online and print avenues that your brand is featured in should be written in the same tone of voice.

2. Less is more

Simple is often better. A blog doesn’t have to be complicated. Often some of the best blog posts are written as if you were having a conversation with a close friend. People want something that is easy and quick to read and digest over a cup of tea, or their morning coffee, or when they are scrolling on their phone. As long as your blog post is at minimum 300 words then the length is up to you.

3. Separate, separate, separate

Break your blog up. Large paragraphs of text are not only overwhelming but also don’t please the google gods. Create a blog structure that uses headings to break your blog up into sections. This not only increases the user-friendly aspect, but gives your blog a better chance of ranking if it is written with SEO in mind.

4. SEO and blog structure

Not all blogs have to be written with SEO in mind. But optimising for SEO as part of your blog structure framework is a great way to drive traffic to your site and boost your google ranking. When thinking about SEO blog writing think about what questions your customers, clients may ask or search. This can be a helpful place to start for keywords you could rank for.

The art of blogging (hint: always keep blog structure in mind)

The key is to first establish what you are trying to achieve with your blog in general. This will help give you direction and a place to start when thinking about what kind of blogs you want to post.

Remember there is no right or wrong. Blogging while serving an intended purpose should also be enjoyable and fun. Keep in mind these four tips for your overall blog structure. Aside from that experiment and see what kind of blogs work better. Like everything, things take time to grow and build, but the first step is always the hardest. What are you waiting for, let’s get blogging?

If blogging all sounds too hard, have you thought about professional blog writing services? Click here to find out more.


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